

The initial email you received about your new proxy account gave you a unique URL to access 卫报/家庭访问 with an Action Password (临时密码). 如果您以前使用过监护人/家庭 Access and set up your new password, you may continue to use the 在原始邮件中找到的唯一URL. 你也可以用the 下面的链接.


The student which designated a proxy can log in to their myBanner account, select the proxy tab, and click the “E-mail Authorizations” icon on the “Authorization” tab to generate an email that is sent to the proxy and includes a list of the pages you are authorized to view 以及登录的链接. You may also 登入监护人/家庭访问 here.

您可以进入 监护人/家庭访问登录页面. Fill in your email address, leave the password field blank, and click on the “忘记密码”按钮. 一个独特的网页链接和动作 密码将发送到您的电子邮件地址. 你将使用动作 密码登录并选择新密码. 博天堂官方网页重置密码 页面,您将在“Old”字段中使用您的操作密码 Password" and enter your desired password as the "New Password".

Your student controls who is able to access their student data and 他们是如何访问它的. 如果你想用 Guardian/Family access using a different email address you should have 您的学生为您创建了一个新的代理访问.

You can 登录您的监护人/家人访问权限 account. There you will see the authorizations your student granted to you by 点击你的学生名字的标签.

Your student is in control of the information which you can view 通过监护人/家庭访问. 如果你获取的信息不是 如您所料,请联系您的学生.

一些用户用“康卡斯特”.Net”的电子邮件都经历过 代理邮件的问题. 代理用户可能需要考虑使用 更换电子邮件地址或检查他们的垃圾邮件文件夹. Many of the proxy emails have been caught by Comcast's spam filter, and we are 我们正在与康卡斯特合作解决这个问题.

Each student is able to grant access to their student information 通过监护人/家属在他们认为合适的情况下访问. 你可能已经 granted different access by each student for which you are a proxy.

For each student that has identified you as a proxy, there will be a 在监护人/家庭访问选项卡上填写学生姓名. 通过点击 在姓名选项卡中,您将看到该学生所拥有的项目 授权你.

When an information item is selected, the information is displayed in a new window. 位于该窗口的右上方部分是 学生的名字.

大峡谷州立大学 students log in through myBanner to view their own information, designate an individual as a proxy, and 授权要让代理查看的项目.

The 监护人/家庭访问登录页面 允许代理 to login and view 学生授权的信息 you to see.

While in logged in to the 卫报/家庭访问 page, the links and 页面顶部的选项卡被禁用. 您可以选择配置文件 选项卡,或关闭浏览器,退出“监护人/家庭访问”.


Yes. 所有注册的学生都可以设置代理 卫报/家庭访问. 学生可以设置监护人/家庭访问权限 account using the 卫报/家庭访问 tab in their myBanner account.

  1. 登录myBanner.
  2. 点击监护人/家庭访问选项卡.
  3. 单击“监护人/家庭访问管理”.
  4. Click Add Proxy and fill in the proxy’s information, then click on 点击“添加代理”按钮.
  5. 单击Expand(代理名称).
  6. 从关系下拉菜单中选择“代理用户”.
  7. 填写代理的可选描述.
  8. 开始和停止日期将自动填充.
  9. Click the Authorization tab and select the items you would like 您的代理必须能够查看. 没有SAVE按钮. Your 选择将自动保存.

The unique identifier for a proxy in myBanner is the email address; therefore, an email address can only be associated with one proxy.

可以,可以通过监护人/家属通道付款. When creating a proxy relationship in your myBanner you will need to be sure to enable "Student Account Information-Statement Summary and 详细信息,延期计划设置,在线支付." in the 授权的菜单.

大峡谷州立大学 students login through myBanner to designate an individual as a proxy and 授权要让代理查看的项目.

监护人/家庭访问登录允许代理查看 学生授权的信息. 任何GVSU学生都可以指定一个 代理并授权他们查看所选信息.

The lock is displayed until you click on the designee’s name and 从关系下拉菜单中选择“代理用户”.

The number of pages indicates the number of informational items you 是否已授权代理人查看. 每个信息项以 一个网页到你的代理.

There is no automatic notification sent when you modify items on the 代理的授权选项卡. 如果你想通知你的代理人 of changes in authorization, click the “E-mail Authorizations” icon on the “Authorization” tab, and it will generate an email to the proxy.

通过监护人/家庭访问代理能够查看 学生授权的信息. 它没有给他们 permission to discuss your educational records with a Grand Valley State University official; this communication is still protected under FERPA.

卫报/家庭访问 allows you to set a start and end date for a proxy.

  • 登入myBanner.
  • 选择“监护人/家庭访问”页签.
  • 选择“监护人/家庭访问管理” 监护人/家庭访问菜单.
  • 选择代理的名称以展开其信息 .
  • 在配置文件选项卡上,您可以看到开始日期和结束日期. You can 修改这两个日期.

Your designated proxy will not be able to edit their start and end 日期通过监护人/家庭访问.

Guardian/Family access to student information can be removed in 几个方面:

  1. 您可以在“配置文件”选项卡上更改停止日期.
  2. 您可以删除授权选项卡上的所有检查.
  3. 您可以选择“删除代理关系”图标.

When a 大峡谷州立大学 student logs in to myBanner and designates a proxy, the proxy and the student will automatically 接收包含代理登录信息的电子邮件. In addition, the student can log in to myBanner at any time and click the “E-mail Authorizations” icon on the “Authorization” tab to generate an email to a proxy that includes a list of the pages they are authorized 以查看除登录链接. 或者您可以在下面登录.


